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Mr Nappy Pants (*VSC)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:10 am
by Mr_N_Pants
Hi, my name is Tom, and I am in the "other" south LA. The one close to the water, you know hurricanes and stuff. I'm an old fart. Four kids, one 16 year old, one leaving college, one entering college, one decided to up and make me a grandfather. Har.

I work offshore as an IE technician, though that wasn't on my list of career choices after 20 years working in automation and controls! Still doing some of that, but not as much.

I've always been a "gamer", since computers were first made available to the public. Even before that, I bought "PONG" when it first came out, went thru the whole series of Atari 2600, etc. Never cared for role playing stuff much, always leaned toward the shooters and strategy games.

My son brought home the discount shelf copy of UT99 GOTY about 5 years ago, loaded it on the PC, and lost interest. I started playing it off and on, under various user names. When I got laid off in '03, I had a little more time on my hands while waiting on emails and phonecalls from nonexistant job offers. I took a look at the user names online - usually some variation of "killer", "master", "super", etc. And really, a lot of these players weren't so good... Father's Day that year I got some new Docker slacks that were really nice. I figured, if someone can have a threatening name online, and be bad, I could have a silly name online, and be good. Yeah, that's the way I think. So, I became "Mr_Nappy_Pants".

I stumbled across the VSC server to find a bunch of other (mostly) old farts. Who regularly kicked my patootie across the map. After a few months there, they invited me for clan membership, and it's been great!

I've spent more time on Joey's server in the last few months than VSC, and I am supposed to be monitoring and doing admin stuff... :oops:

Anyway, that's me.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:02 pm
by brutt78
mr n pants thanks for the shock on monday sorry it took me so long to pass it back i kept passing it to you but you dident see it

Re: Mr Nappy Pants (*VSC)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:05 pm
by Nard
Mr_N_Pants wrote:Hi, my name is Tom, and I am in the "other" south LA. The one close to the water, you know hurricanes and stuff. I'm an old fart. Four kids, one 16 year old, one leaving college, one entering college, one decided to up and make me a grandfather. Har.

I work offshore as an IE technician, though that wasn't on my list of career choices after 20 years working in automation and controls! Still doing some of that, but not as much.

I've always been a "gamer", since computers were first made available to the public. Even before that, I bought "PONG" when it first came out, went thru the whole series of Atari 2600, etc. Never cared for role playing stuff much, always leaned toward the shooters and strategy games.

My son brought home the discount shelf copy of UT99 GOTY about 5 years ago, loaded it on the PC, and lost interest. I started playing it off and on, under various user names. When I got laid off in '03, I had a little more time on my hands while waiting on emails and phonecalls from nonexistant job offers. I took a look at the user names online - usually some variation of "killer", "master", "super", etc. And really, a lot of these players weren't so good... Father's Day that year I got some new Docker slacks that were really nice. I figured, if someone can have a threatening name online, and be bad, I could have a silly name online, and be good. Yeah, that's the way I think. So, I became "Mr_Nappy_Pants".

I stumbled across the VSC server to find a bunch of other (mostly) old farts. Who regularly kicked my patootie across the map. After a few months there, they invited me for clan membership, and it's been great!

I've spent more time on Joey's server in the last few months than VSC, and I am supposed to be monitoring and doing admin stuff... :oops:

Anyway, that's me.
My father is in a clan called the old farts {OF}. They now mostly play BF2142 but occasionaly they are on playing Jailbreak on the server as called "Retirement Home" To be an Old Fart you must be 29 years of age or older. I like to hang with them just because im there son and i have respect for them. You should go play with them somtime.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:41 pm
by Mr_N_Pants
Old Fart at 29?

Maybe I need to start the "Ancient Farts" clan.


Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:52 pm
by Ortega
WOW....old fart at 29..Crap that means I'm only 4 years away.

LMAO-Ancient Clan