Page 6 of 10

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:39 am
by SoulCrusher
if u make threads like this!!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:07 pm
by Crazy_Barks
YKYANW you dont know what your toss weapon key is

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 10:56 am
by Scion
YKYANW your keyboard doesn't have any more keys attached to it

YKYANW you have a keybind button and that button jams and spams so called keybind :P

YKYANW when you ask people to form a circle around a nuke and worship it

YKYANW when the worshipped nuke goes off and kills everyone in the circle :P

YKYANW you survived being surrounded by wands yet die from a krall

YKYANW you make a straight line at a titan, see a rock heading your way (way ahead of time), and critically fail to dodge the rock, ending with your death :P

YKYANW you run into a wand and stand still hoping its motion sensitive and won't notice you

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:35 pm
by Scion
Begins the rezzing and flash healing..... it lives again......

YKYANW you keybind exit so you can quickly remove the lag :)

YKYANW you have a keybind that exceeds 30 commands (evil spam)

YKYANW you don't realize, you're not a super powerful Rambo/CoD shooter who can rush and kill everything with one shot and own everything when you're only lvl 10(unless you're drae or cad or God or Chuck Norris, not to be confused with Chuck Borris) :P and you wonder why your death rate is so high :P

YKYANW your the last one alive and you want to be sure you don't have lag, so you type "exit" :) (I just love this command)

YKYANW your router is hooked up to a power strip and you accidently turn the power strip off while playing online

YKYANW you fail to load Unreal Tournament because you put the disc in upside down

YKYANW you try to pause an online game

YKYANW you ask how to do a double jump

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:03 pm
by SirBeast
just wanted to say that I am both surprised and please that a thread I started now has four pages... now let's see if we can get it up to 8! LOL!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:10 am
by Amy Infless
YKYAANW you are level 300 and dont know how to jugg...
YKYAANW you are level 300 and toss crap wep away in my direction...
YKYAANW you are level 300 and dont toss back the weapon i should juggle...
YKYAANW you are level 300 and toss back my weapon after you saw i picked your crap weapon you tossed in my direction after i was pushed away unsturdied and picked it "by accident"...
YKYAANW you are level 300 and didnt recognice i was confused about the crapweapon and instead of repicking the tossed weapon you watch it disapearing still in that moment when i was wanded unshielded...
...was best loaded weapon at that time, the "Invasion continued"...


Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:49 pm
by TheMadDJ
YKYANW You blame someone for losing your gun when you didn't give them the time to clear their weapon out first.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:52 am
by Scion
*Returns to heal thread back to life :P*

YKYANW you have 8 Weapons of Power but don't know which one you want to use.

YKYANW you are around level 80, but still don't have denial level 2 and you want higher levels to build you a "good" gun.

YKYANW you medic your best weapon, then medic a crap weapon.

YKYANW you have a weapons crate and crowbar, but don't know how to use either one :P.

YKYANW you ask "Why are there monsters?"

YKYANW you ask for a bunch of power ups, and its only wave 1.

YKYANW you get mad at people and call them PU hoggers when its only wave 2.

YKYANW you are watching Family Guy and want to spam the Family Guy zound "ugly".

YKYANW you ask "Why is everyone in a car" when the map has changed to CarBall.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:14 am
by Ragnarok
YKYANW you bump this thread

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:21 pm
by Amy Infless
YKYANW you are a 250+levler joining late, getting a half-loaded wop
(INCLUDING INFINITY!!!!!!!!) from me, and after 3 waves you say:
"my wep is bugged, i can shoot and shoot but it dont run out of ammo...."

YKYANW you play since 2 month, you are level 125 (!), havin
100 "spawnhealth", 0 HB, 0 WS, 0 DR, 0 DB, and you allways
wonder why you get killed allways with one shot, you allways wonder
why others survive that long, you allways ignore what the old vets told
you to do ("read forum"), you allways leave pissed or get kicked for
idling, spamming or crying to much, because of not knowing how to play,
and so on and so on and so on...and nearly everey thing else what you all can read here in this complete topic.....

...and suddenly one day your cat touch
the keyboard and hit "L" <by accident> and you ask: "wtf is that, never seen that before?!?!?"....

believe me i´m sure thats a true story and happend to ..... should
i blame him again?
