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"lucky" bug V3.0 or so...

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:13 am
by Amy Infless
do you remember the lucky bug from loooooong time ago, think it was from 178 to 179, when you loaded
3 luckies into a wop it spawned, hmm... spammed... massive healthvials, 50shields and doubledams all the way
where you moved/looked at.

it is back! just with a lil difference: it happens when you purple a lucky flak, for example. (or maybe better a higher number, like a lucky 2 turning into a 3..)

btw purple: i permanently get the message that i cant GOLD the ssr or some other superweapons,
so why the hell can i purple a NON-wop-ssr when im not able to gold it? didnt wanted to do it, picked the wrong weapon
after opening the crate....

Re: "lucky" bug V3.0 or so...

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:14 pm
by bananaface
Aware of the bug and will be adressed shortly :)

Re: "lucky" bug V3.0 or so...

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 4:28 pm
by Amy Infless

tried it now myself, purpled lucky mp5 +2 up to a 3, nothing happend.

purpled the lucky mp5 +3 up to a 4, and the special fx show started....

guess lucky weapons work like beeing loaded with lucky pu´s, and more than 3 luckies not loadable, so
i guess its also not supposed for lucky weapons to be higher than a +3 !

but... just thinking. if this isnt causing tooo much problems, why not using that as a modified medic feature?
like with a special ability level you are able to load a 4. lucky pu, and random or in special sequence every ... 5-10 seconds
instead of every 30-45 secs the health, doubledam and shieldgoodies spawn in front of the user?!


Re: "lucky" bug V3.0 or so...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:03 am
by bananaface
When I saw it stuff was spawning less then every second so definitly something we need to fix.