You know what screw you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just been BANNED or KICKED from the server and don't know why? Appeal to be unbanned from the server here, or find out why you were kicked/banned.
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:30 am

Post by MasterOfNone » Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:36 am

well, i am not as "new" as most of the people on this server, and i dont ask for help that often...and pretty much just mind my own business...but what keeps people (higher level) from talking shit to people like me? they have no justification for that. the rules are in place on this server for EVERYONE..just because you have played here for the last 8 or 9 months doesnt mean you now "own" the server, or have the "right" to act like a jackass to newer people or anyone for that matter. seniority means shit when it comes to rules IMO.


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