Border's Justice to be: Served or Damned [Resolved]

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Should Border be banned?

Yes, ban him from the forum for a set period of time
Yes, ban him from the forum forever
Total votes: 26

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Border's Justice to be: Served or Damned [Resolved]

Post by SirBeast » Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:46 pm

Happy New Year's Shakedown!

Alright, I've kept my mouth shut publicly for long enough and I am now DONE doing so, simply because I *HAVE* already tried to resolve this in a private matter via IM's with the admins, but after repeated violations by Border and a complete lack of response by the admins, I am now taking this public for everyone to see.

Apparently the Admins of this forum have forgotten their own rules - or else more likely, they just don't care about them. Specifically, Rule #2, which states:

[02] Be respectful to other members! It is our goal to create a clean forum for the discussion of Monster Madness RPG WoP Invasion Server. Cursing, swearing, personal attacks or retaliations are not welcome here and will not be tolerated.

(see also: ... termadness)

I realize that by posting this message I myself am violating this rules. Since, by their lack of action to repeated violations of this rule, it has become blatantly obvious to me that the admins don't care when they DO get violated, so at this point, neither do I.

On top of this, there is a message when you join the game that player harassment will not be tolerated.

Back in July/August I PM'd Border telling him to just leave me the F' alone - don't PM me or nothing. He had done several things to piss me off and I wanted nothing further to do with him on any level. I informed him that I would consider any further contact from him harassment and report it to the admins as such. I also informed Paintball of this at the same time.

Of course, Border continued to PM from time to time spouting his hateful BS that we're all so very used to seeing. Each and every time I would CC the message to Paintball, informing him that Border was not complying with my request and asking that something be done. Of course, nothing was done. I still have all these PMs from Border, and the PM's I have sent Paintball and ZombieSlayer about this, all saved in my Inbox/Sentbox if anyone really wants to see them. Upon request I will happy to publish them publicly for all to see the hypocrisy behind these so-called rules and completely arbitrary/favoritist application of them.

I am putting this out here in a public topic because this is a forums issue. Thankfully I don't see Border very much in-game, and if I do, I have him completely muted, so I don't have to see any of his text in-game. Unfortunately there is no such feature here in the forums, so until now I have been left with seeking non-existent help from the slackass do-nothing forum admins who enforce the rules only when they see fit, not when they are always broken.

To the best of my knowledge, he's been banned before, and repeatedly, so this already marks against him. So why have my repeated complaints gone unheeded, especially when SO MANY others complain about him?

If one of the admins wants to lock this post, fine, do so. If you want to ban me for posting this, fine, do so. You'd only be proving to this community your hypocrisy and favoritism of rule enforcement, whereas here I would be breaking a rule once and being punished for it, yet Border, who has broken this rule REPEATEDLY, goes unpunished STILL.

Simply put to the admins: ban him once and for all - you've been given ample/repeated proof of his violations to do so. Failure to do so only demonstrates your lack of commitment to your own rules, and, in turn, your lack of commitment to this otherwise very fine forum/community.
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Post by 1800 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:49 pm

i love you beast....ur my f-ing hero
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Post by KnaveSkye » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:14 pm

we all know there are certain players in the community that....well, simply put, it would benifit without...people that have had repeated complaints from multiple people..and i can even remember some of these people being "Closely monitored" so as soon as they messed up...BYE! .....but they just keep coming back..doing the same things, and you cant help but wonder why they havnt been removed a long time ago for good...
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Post by hwsb » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:05 pm

you forgot the fourth option: ban him from everything, for the good of mankind.

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Post by Archangel » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:30 pm

Agreed...... :supz:

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Post by Intimidator » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:30 pm

IMHO if you ban him from the forum for a period of time ..I think it will do absolutely nothing but making the madness worse.......
When he does return he will do the same shiit but even worse.
I think you should hit him where it will really cause some kind of reality check...
Have him sit from the server for a certain amount of time and also revoke his forum privelages as well.
Not a week or two , that wont do aboslutely nothing.
You should ban him for a month or two....shiit maybe like a 6 month ban would be more in tha area of a smack upside the head.
But you must make sure that you give him some kind of strict rules once the ban is lifted...... as in...... this is your absolute last chance and if you start shiit with someone you will be banned permenantly !
Maybe this will actuall have him think about his actions each and every time he decides to ramble off at the blow hole and harass others.
For what its worth i am not even going to vote , what i have posted pretty much explains it all.
Just my opinion !
Remember opinions are like a$$holes....... Some have larger ones than others.
All together now !!!!!!!!!
Ban..Ban..Ban ! rofl
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Post by SirBeast » Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:37 pm

You know, I debated with myself for some time about adding the option to ban him from the game server as well.

I did not- thinking doing so would only fuel any1's perception of my madness in this post, and instead that others would voice this opinion for me - thus making said opinion seem LESS mad since it was coming from some1 other than myself. Needless to say, I agree wholeheartedly that he should be banned from the game server as well.

However, I have NOT complained to Joeyz about Border, only to Paintball and ZombieSlayer as they are FORUM administrators and this arena is where I have the most issue with Border - and with the primary sysop, PB, not enforcing his own rules. Joeyz has little/nothing to do with the administration of the forums, so I left him out of this. He's busy enough as it is, and I would be willing to wager that his answer would probably be "Take it up with the forum admins" anyhow.
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Post by ZombieSlayer » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:00 pm

Ok Beastay man up and admit you only contacted me once about this. I told border via pm to stop pm'ing you. I told you this via pm, you said you'd send me any pms he sent after I told him to stop.

You haven't said shit about it since.

So send me the pms from border that he sent after Dec 17 2007 (the date I sent my pm to him which he replied he would send no more pms to you) and make it clear that I have not been complacent in this.

I have done what I said I'd do, now it's time for you to show me the pms so I can take action.

If there are no pms dated after Dec 17 2007 then you have no case because he has complied with the request/order to stop pm'ing you.
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Post by SirBeast » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:10 pm

ZombieSlayer wrote:Ok Beastay man up and admit you only contacted me once about this. I told border via pm to stop pm'ing you. I told you this via pm, you said you'd send me any pms he sent after I told him to stop.

You haven't said shit about it since.

So send me the pms from border that he sent after Dec 17 2007 (the date I sent my pm to him which he replied he would send no more pms to you) and make it clear that I have not been complacent in this.

I have done what I said I'd do, now it's time for you to show me the pms so I can take action.

If there are no pms dated after Dec 17 2007 then you have no case because he has complied with the request/order to stop pm'ing you.
You're right Zombay I did only PM you about this once, so you have virtually no involvement here. Thing is though, I've heard the same BS story from PB already, and nothing was done there after multiple attempts, and quite frankly after Sloppy was banned for his momentary tirade it kinda cheesed me off, so this has been stewing in me for a few weeks now.

And no, that's complete bullshit about the whole Dec 17th thing, because as I said, I've already been through all of this with PB, I shouldn't have to go all through it a second time with a different admin.

Here's my proof:

From: SirBeast
To: border_2
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:15 pm
Subject: Re: Following my post
border_2 wrote:
Your doing just what joey ask us not to do with this post by slandering some1.You dont even play but want to try a badmouth me.Why would i leave i was here be4 you and will be here when your gone.I play all maps voted and would ask you to play more follow less.

Yeah, sure shows how much you know - NOTHING as usual! I've been playing steadily for the last 2 weeks, haven't seen you on, and yet you're still whining like a little baby. On top of that, what makes you think I was referring to you? You're a piece of garbage, and I was directing my post at all the little whiners, not just you, so stop thinking you're so fkng special, because you're not. Honestly, you're a waste of a human life and a burden on everyone around you.

Do the world a favor and STFU. Don't private message me again, either. I don't like you and would rather have nothing to do with you. Consider this your only notice. Any further correspondence will be considered harassment and I will report it to Joey as such.
followed by:
From: SirBeast
To: Paintball
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:17 pm
Subject: BCC: Following my post
Paint -

I am BCCing you on this as you're the forum admin and I thought I should...

- SirBeast
(copied above post)
shortly thereafter:
From: SirBeast
To: Paintball
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:13 am
Subject: Re: Following my post
border_2 wrote:
What you think of me doesnt matter.I would argue your the waste of life because to look at your skill lvl and time played would suggest you cant improve.Good luck reporting harrasment when thats what you have done then tell me not to reply to what you said.If your upset because i was going to beat clints ass then too bad its not your concern anyway you dont know him at all.I didnt whine anyway a mearly made a post to see who wanted it gone.I dont need ssr maps to lvl so it would not have bothered me to see it gone and also in past they have been removed ot lessened thats what im shooting for.

Even after I told him not to, he's PM'd me again. As forum admin I would ask you to please take some sort of action on this since, as I told him, I now consider this harassment. I have not, nor do I plan to, reply to him directly. Please reply and let me know what is being done about this.

All in all, you're right ZS - to YOU I did not complain until Dec 17th. However, by that time, I had complained to Paint twice ALREADY (the 12-17 send being the 3rd time). And you know what his suggestion was each time? Just ignore him.





Sorry Zombie, but again, this has very little to do with you. My reasons for me bringing this to everyone's attention now are varied and many. One, I feel sorry for my fellow players who have to constantly contend with Border's ongoing bullshit, especially when NOTHING gets done about it after several PRIVATE and PUBLIC complaints from SEVERAL different users. I don't have to name names - you can go back through the posts and read for yourself. TWO, I was kinda hoping to make every1's new year a little better by posting what has been going on through many peoples' minds already - and I know I have hit at the heart and soul of many here, as at the time of this posting there were NINE votes already to have him PERMANENTLY banned - mere HOURS after my original post.

So please don't go saying that this post is unjustified because I didn't give you enough notices about it. Do I have to send three separate notices to each and every admin before something gets done? ESPECIALLY when the rules of the forum are BLATANTLY being broken? I only PM'd you because Paint's suggestion - TWICE - was to "ignore the problem" when HE CANT EVEN DO THE SAME censored THING HIMSELF. I AM SICK OF THE censored HYPOCRISY BY PB AND HIS ARBITRARY ENFORCEMENT OF THE RULES AND WANT TO SEE SOME censored JUSTICE IN THIS MATTER JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.



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Post by ZombieSlayer » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:26 pm

True you should not have to go through this again, but those pms are kinda old and I think he was banned briefly after that for a different matter. It's not really fair of me to ban him for something that took place months ago.

If you have a pm from border dated after Dec 17 then I have grounds to ban him for harrassment right frackin now (well as soon as I get the pms).
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