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MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:47 pm
by Rumple
I was surprised, and really pissed off, to see this new patch come into play.

Here's the deal. I am NOT the only person who is really pissed off, but I seem to be the only one who bitches. This is because half the players are mods, and they won't bitch for obvious reasons. The other half (1) cannot even find this forum, or (2) don't really care, or (3) don't have a very good grasp of the English language, or (4) are way to passive and don't like stirring shit up.

Well the shit has been stirred already and it might as well be me to tell you guys that it's brown and gooey.

I wrote, and subsequently deleted a less-than spectacular review of the MMRPG patch earlier because I was honestly seeing red at what has become of the game on the last few months.

I would also like to bitch about the way this new MMRPG was released. It was apparently only playable for two days before release??? What the hell? Nobody told me about it, which does not really matter, as it should have STAYED on the Dev Server until bugs were fixed and more people had more input...Input which would have shelved the ungodly mess.

Here, I will try to gather what I have left of my thoughts on the new stuff.

(swear) 1) Ghost is now gone. Really? What the hell were you thinking? Resurrect sucks and is only for people who don't know about Ghost. I don't care what your "logs" say, Ghost has NEVER been an issue on any server I have ever played, even this one. Resurrect, the way it is working for me in the new patch, instantly sends me somewhere else with no time whatsoever to regroup and decide what to do or where to head. Bring it back. Now.

(swear) 2) Speed Switcher is now gone. What the hell was wrong with speed switcher??? That goddamned thing has saved my ass more times than I care to discuss. Without it, there is a one second lag between weapons, and more importantly, weapons and translocator...Bring this mofo back, there was no fuggin reaon to get rid of it.

(swear) 3) Monster Counter. It's gone, it needs to come back. Period. End of rant on that one.

(swear) 4) Medic Weapon Maker. I have loved this little bastard for over 10 years, and now someone decided to shitcan it. It is useful for way more than making healing weapons. I use it to get rid of shitty, non-tossable weapons like the chainsaw and shield gun if they are slowfoots. Say, why don't you make all weapons tossable to begin with?

5) On that note, I do have praise for ONE item in particular. The ability to spawn with "all" weps. Thank you, as none of these have been negative weps.

Sorry, back to bitching...

(swear) 6) I bought Engineer up to 2nd level. I was supposed to get a "box" with this. I didn't get no damned box...and on THAT note...The "house" has some sort of glitch around it that causes you to not go anywhere.

(swear) 7) Nyan rifle is a piece of shit for three reasons. It is visually annoying. It is sonically annoying and it does little damage. Many people say "Just make it stronger". Fine. Make it stronger, but if you do, reduce the size of the emissions, and lower the level of the sound from it.

(swear) 8) Other useless weapons while we are at it... Serious Sam, or whatever it's called. Avril, Widow Maker, Ion cannon, Sniper Rifle. Get rid of them all.

(swear) 9) Speed Switcher and Ghost. Yeah, I know I bitched about these already. They need to come back. Period.

(swear) 10) Leveling up. This is now absolutely, positively WAY TOO EASY. Go back to the point system where we actually had to play the game and work hard to level. Now, these jackholes just come into a game in the final wave and leave the first wave of the next game. Sure, everything now costs a ton, but hey, reduce the costs and go back to the previous leveling points system. Why the hell did it change in the first place?????

(swear) 11) Where is the forum note of "What does what" with all the new "classes" ??? We are TIRED of refunding points to find out what we are getting ourselves into.

(swear) 12) Game is still laggy. Is this on an actual server in an actual server farm?

(swear) 13) NRA is gone, and Obama still takes your weapons. What the shit. Admin asked five of us playing if he should keep Obama and get rid of the NRA bought item. People thought he meant getting rid of NRA because Obama would no longer take the weps, but no, the censored still takes them. If this is the case, just get rid of Obama. People are SUPER PISSED about this one.

Yeah, I am still pissed...but I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE.

Think about who plays the game. Over half of us are over 40 years old. I would bet that most of us enjoy video games where you don't have to do much more than play. Now, what used to be a simple, almost arcade-style game, is becoming really screwed-up with more issues than needed. (swear)

Thirty minutes ago, I was playing with 8 people on a map...EVERYONE was pissed. I told them I would come here and bitch about ALL of our concerns.

Let me go back to what I was saying over and over again a few months back. How about we make it so the game plays smoothly and without lag (like EVERY other server out there) before going off on twenty different tangents of new monsters, scoring and toys...This is what I thought was going to happen when I donated my Burger King Fund to the cause. :(

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:49 pm
by just2frag
I second all this, iv been on since this new release, when people loose there weps they just rage for 5 minutes then exit game.

And also, the class items for the class that had x4 dmg and globe people are saying it doesn't work.

I think with all these changes at once is a little too much to take in for everyone, although some of the new abilities are really sweet, I think most of them are way too expensive.

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:53 am
by garret
just2frag wrote:I second all this, iv been on since this new release, when people loose there weps they just rage for 5 minutes then exit game.

And also, the class items for the class that had x4 dmg and globe people are saying it doesn't work.

I think with all these changes at once is a little too much to take in for everyone, although some of the new abilities are really sweet, I think most of them are way too expensive.
Ok so I don't rage quite much. But this is twice in two days so here I am to join the bitch fest.

Came in around wave 9 on a smaller map yesterday. Pick up a flak of rejuv great. Someone was kind enough to through me a couple pu's inf included. Great I'm off and going for being late. Flak gets swiped by something by the end of round.

Next round decided just to use a mp5 of power. Pick up a couple Pu's and it's gone within another round.

Next round someone toss's me a Rejuv mini with some pu's gone as soon as I get it.

Raged right on out. :mad:


Today hopp on to give it another go. Confinery. All is going good. New player comes on and I share all my spare PU"S. Wave 18 some mini monster steals my gun again. So here we are wave 18 no gun no pu's. censored it rage quite again and here I am. What's the point of playing the smaller maps if your just going to get ur gun swiped. U say avoid them i would think but i was sticking to a corner and didn't even see the little bastard. I think he spawned in my butt.

Rumple raises some very valid points but having guns stolen is just such bs. Might as well just hide most of the game. Not what I'm here for.

On a positive note ur forcing me off early to go do something positive outside. You have that going for you . :evil:

OMG on pc
garret on laptop

peace out

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:37 pm
by Rumple
Garret, who Ive thought was a BOT for many years, NEVER complains...So this should be a bit of a wake-up call.

Yes, the NRA thing is BULLSHIT. Either have it as a bought item, or hell, even an "anti-Obama" pup.

So, either give us back the NRA as a bought item or a pup, or get rid of Obama's executive-order to take your shit.

Paint, I would like you to come out and play sometime...I think you will find that the non-Dev Server play is not how you think it is going. I fully respect your hard work in trying to make this work, but it's not going as planned.

Oh, and I am still waiting for my "box" to appear for Engineer Level 2.

I like boxes, and I like turtles...there is a Box Turtle joke there, just waiting to be set free. (drunk)

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:23 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
I hear you loud and clear guys. Sorry I took so much away that you guys liked. I just restarted the server and I brought back the NRA, Speed switch, and Field Medic (Medic weapon maker). Sorry for the inconvenience you guys.
Rumple wrote:I was surprised, and really pissed off, to see this new patch come into play.

Here's the deal. I am NOT the only person who is really pissed off, but I seem to be the only one who bitches. This is because half the players are mods, and they won't bitch for obvious reasons. The other half (1) cannot even find this forum, or (2) don't really care, or (3) don't have a very good grasp of the English language, or (4) are way to passive and don't like stirring shit up.

Well the shit has been stirred already and it might as well be me to tell you guys that it's brown and gooey.

I wrote, and subsequently deleted a less-than spectacular review of the MMRPG patch earlier because I was honestly seeing red at what has become of the game on the last few months.

I would also like to bitch about the way this new MMRPG was released. It was apparently only playable for two days before release??? What the hell? Nobody told me about it, which does not really matter, as it should have STAYED on the Dev Server until bugs were fixed and more people had more input...Input which would have shelved the ungodly mess.

Here, I will try to gather what I have left of my thoughts on the new stuff.

(swear) 1) Ghost is now gone. Really? What the hell were you thinking? Resurrect sucks and is only for people who don't know about Ghost. I don't care what your "logs" say, Ghost has NEVER been an issue on any server I have ever played, even this one. Resurrect, the way it is working for me in the new patch, instantly sends me somewhere else with no time whatsoever to regroup and decide what to do or where to head. Bring it back. Now.

(swear) 2) Speed Switcher is now gone. What the hell was wrong with speed switcher??? That goddamned thing has saved my ass more times than I care to discuss. Without it, there is a one second lag between weapons, and more importantly, weapons and translocator...Bring this mofo back, there was no fuggin reaon to get rid of it.

(swear) 3) Monster Counter. It's gone, it needs to come back. Period. End of rant on that one.

(swear) 4) Medic Weapon Maker. I have loved this little bastard for over 10 years, and now someone decided to shitcan it. It is useful for way more than making healing weapons. I use it to get rid of shitty, non-tossable weapons like the chainsaw and shield gun if they are slowfoots. Say, why don't you make all weapons tossable to begin with?

5) On that note, I do have praise for ONE item in particular. The ability to spawn with "all" weps. Thank you, as none of these have been negative weps.

Sorry, back to bitching...

(swear) 6) I bought Engineer up to 2nd level. I was supposed to get a "box" with this. I didn't get no damned box...and on THAT note...The "house" has some sort of glitch around it that causes you to not go anywhere.

(swear) 7) Nyan rifle is a piece of shit for three reasons. It is visually annoying. It is sonically annoying and it does little damage. Many people say "Just make it stronger". Fine. Make it stronger, but if you do, reduce the size of the emissions, and lower the level of the sound from it.

(swear) 8) Other useless weapons while we are at it... Serious Sam, or whatever it's called. Avril, Widow Maker, Ion cannon, Sniper Rifle. Get rid of them all.

(swear) 9) Speed Switcher and Ghost. Yeah, I know I bitched about these already. They need to come back. Period.

(swear) 10) Leveling up. This is now absolutely, positively WAY TOO EASY. Go back to the point system where we actually had to play the game and work hard to level. Now, these jackholes just come into a game in the final wave and leave the first wave of the next game. Sure, everything now costs a ton, but hey, reduce the costs and go back to the previous leveling points system. Why the hell did it change in the first place?????

(swear) 11) Where is the forum note of "What does what" with all the new "classes" ??? We are TIRED of refunding points to find out what we are getting ourselves into.

(swear) 12) Game is still laggy. Is this on an actual server in an actual server farm?

(swear) 13) NRA is gone, and Obama still takes your weapons. What the shit. Admin asked five of us playing if he should keep Obama and get rid of the NRA bought item. People thought he meant getting rid of NRA because Obama would no longer take the weps, but no, the censored still takes them. If this is the case, just get rid of Obama. People are SUPER PISSED about this one.

Yeah, I am still pissed...but I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE.

Think about who plays the game. Over half of us are over 40 years old. I would bet that most of us enjoy video games where you don't have to do much more than play. Now, what used to be a simple, almost arcade-style game, is becoming really screwed-up with more issues than needed. (swear)

Thirty minutes ago, I was playing with 8 people on a map...EVERYONE was pissed. I told them I would come here and bitch about ALL of our concerns.

Let me go back to what I was saying over and over again a few months back. How about we make it so the game plays smoothly and without lag (like EVERY other server out there) before going off on twenty different tangents of new monsters, scoring and toys...This is what I thought was going to happen when I donated my Burger King Fund to the cause. :(
1.) I can't bring ghost back without an update to code which I can't do just yet. Unfortunately you'll have to use resurrect for now. Sorry :(
2.) It's back
3.) I had to remove it to add the new powerups. I want it back too. When joey comes back so does the monster counter.
4.) It's back
5.) I'm glad you like it :)
6.) Refund your abilities, you have some sort of glitch in your stats. I tried your stats on my local pc and didn't get the box. When I refunded your abilities and re-purchased I got the box.
7.) The guy who made the Nyan gun encrypted it so there is no way for me to double the damage on it. The main reason I have it is so people know Obama is near. Plus him with it is hilarious imo.
8.) I already removed the useless weapons from the weapons crate if that's what you're referring to. The serious sam cannon is awesome. You need to hold down the fire until it auto fires.
9.) Already addressed
10.) Leveling up is more balanced now. It's faster but it still takes a while. Alternatively when you reach level 500 you can create a new account. The old server took wayyyy too long to level.
11.) viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4392
12.) The server is hosted in a data center with a 12mb/s uploand and download. The game uses about 1% of it's hardware capacity. Any lag is from bugs which I haven't had the time to address.
13.) It's back

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:14 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
just2frag wrote:I second all this, iv been on since this new release, when people loose there weps they just rage for 5 minutes then exit game.

And also, the class items for the class that had x4 dmg and globe people are saying it doesn't work.

I think with all these changes at once is a little too much to take in for everyone, although some of the new abilities are really sweet, I think most of them are way too expensive.
I'm looking at the code and the invuknerability and x4 damage should be working, except they're not. Right now its set to 10 seconds of use every 5 mins. Until I fix it its one use per life (until you respawn). If that's the case then how long should the artifacts last? 30 seconds?

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:34 pm
by just2frag
Firstly paint, I really do enjoy this server, except from my indefinite lag, due to my location. This has always been my favourite game. Id like to thank you for all the work that goes into making this thing work.

Secondly thanks heaps for the quick response on introducing NRA again. It was painful loosing weapons on small maps, even with a fully loaded gun you cant get away or kill the midget Obama's quick enough! :)

One last thing while im here, the Particle PU... its awesome and great. Although, on most maps the particle projectiles really disagree with the server. Yesterday, there were two people that were using it with a loaded gun, and the monsters and nukes were on a 5 second lag, I could hear them, but you cant see anything! Your forced to shoot into the abyss. Im not sure how this can be fixed, I love this gun :( but cant use due to the severity of its projectiles and its impact on server.
In saying that, I doubt its my laptops fps... I sit a capped 80fps though-out the entire game, no matter the wave. It may be my ping latency? Im not quite sure.

This is my laptop, just in case. ... fications/

As for your question on the support artifacts, I think some testing on the PU's would come in handy. Although I think they should be used once a wave, but at a ridicules amount of adrenaline. As you only need them to support/ get yourself out of the shit for 10 secs. Haha

Thanks again Paint.

And again, thanks heaps for the quick response, and have a great day :)

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:29 pm
by Rumple
Paint, you take all the fun out of complaining. (finger)

(Thank you!)

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:01 am
by BaronVonRotterdam
Thanks for the kind words Homer, I'm just happy you guys are happy. I'm sorry about your lag, it seems like playing in Australia isn't too good for the ping! And Rump, you're gonna give me an ulcer (kiss)

Re: MMRPG. What a steaming pile of crap so far.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:05 am
by Amy Infless
Rumple wrote:I am NOT the only person who is really pissed off, but I seem to be the only one who bitches. This is because half the players are mods, and they won't bitch for obvious reasons. The other half (1) cannot even find this forum, or (2) don't really care, or (3) don't have a very good grasp of the English language, or (4) are way to passive and don't like stirring shit up.
you forgot (5): the 1% who doesnt count. oh wait, normally its me, now that you taking my part, does that mean
we are 2% now? or is it still 1% cause i said nothing this time?

Rumple wrote:Ghost is now gone. Really? What the hell were you thinking? Resurrect sucks and is only for people who don't know about Ghost. I don't care what your "logs" say, Ghost has NEVER been an issue on any server I have ever played, even this one. Resurrect, the way it is working for me in the new patch, instantly sends me somewhere else with no time whatsoever to regroup and decide what to do or where to head. Bring it back. Now.
i tend to say denied. those who say dont know about ghost dont know about resurect! why does resurect suck, huh?
because (well, in 179) you had 3 seconds invulnerabilty after resurecting while ghost doesnt have that feature and is reason why ghost is taking all weapons so often? no matter if its 179 or 180?? also if ghost crashes the server like it did last
time and its like 99% proof, then ghost need to go or the reason why its so problematic now, fixed, if its possible!
and ghost was ALLWAYS an issue since "I" play on this server. if you never had any problems with it, fine,
others dont have problems with it too, but also dont know why weapons are gone after ghosting or why they are killed
in or behind walls while or immediately after ghosting and start allways complaining about this crap and when
telling "all you have to do is change to resurect" then all i hear is, na, resurect dont give me gold/purple back (i guess your reason, too?), or i am too dumb/lazy to refund etc... also resurect was allways supposed to respawn you at a different
place "far" away from the actual position, to avoid beeing killed twice in a row from same monster. which often fails
due to random playerspawnpoints not free, and you respawn nearly at same place. but that also happend a lot with ghost,
you fly miles through map or "respawn" instantly at same position for w/e reason. both have dis/advantages, but
for me it looks like only the getting free gold/purple back is main reason for having ghost.

Rumple wrote:3) Monster Counter. It's gone, it needs to come back. Period. End of rant on that one.
if you would read more in this "labyrinth" forum you would have known about it...

Rumple wrote: 4a) Medic Weapon Maker. I have loved this little bastard for over 10 years, and now someone decided to shitcan it. It is useful for way more than making healing weapons.
4b) I use it to get rid of shitty, non-tossable weapons like the chainsaw and shield gun if they are slowfoots.
4a) i totally agree
4b) hax? i never managed to medic negative weapons...

Rumple wrote:5) On that note, I do have praise for ONE item in particular. The ability to spawn with "all" weps. Thank you, as none of these have been negative weps.
yes and no like. to many doubled weapons now to scroll through, dont think its supposed to work that way so in case its a bug i´ll make it a bugreport...

Rumple wrote:8) Other useless weapons while we are at it... Serious Sam, or whatever it's called. Avril, Widow Maker, Ion cannon, Sniper Rifle. Get rid of them all.
widow has to stay! you have no clue about it...

BaronVonRotterdam wrote:
Rumple wrote: (swear) 10) Leveling up. This is now absolutely, positively WAY TOO EASY. Go back to the point system where we actually had to play the game and work hard to level. Now, these jackholes just come into a game in the final wave and leave the first wave of the next game. Sure, everything now costs a ton, but hey, reduce the costs and go back to the previous leveling points system. Why the hell did it change in the first place?????
10.) Leveling up is more balanced now. It's faster but it still takes a while. Alternatively when you reach level 500 you can create a new account. The old server took wayyyy too long to level.
bananaface wrote:Current xp system is what "you" the community decided that you wanted
(from another topic, unanswered by me and totally fitting here)

@rumple: agree!

@paint: true. but still not fair to those players who really earned higher levels over the years. 179 there was something like reverence and respect, no matter if high or low level, if higher levels played and low leveld were like "wow, how did
you get that high level?"
this "effect" is gone now, i, and no, im not 1% now, feel like beeing betrayed/cheated, its like every "lowlevel" is now laughing at us, and if you see players around 250 suddenly are 340 now within a month it hurts and i ask me why
have i wasted my time for THAT? that way i really have no mood to continue playing!
let those who have the "knowledge" play and piss of the last old veteran players

@banana: server community > forum community. forum has 701 members now but only like 5 active
writers and 10 active readers while server has like 30 every now and then players, some newbies and a handfull
who know about this forum, like rumple said above, i dont need to repeat...
make the poll public and not secret poll and you will see no newbie and non of the every now and then players!

Rumple wrote: 12) Game is still laggy. Is this on an actual server in an actual server farm?
why MUST it allways be the server? not even one player who complains about lag is saying anything
like "i have checked my connection with a trace, its all fine, so it must be another reason..."??!??

-> ... 196#p35196
Rumple wrote:Think about who plays the game. Over half of us are over 40 years old. I would bet that most of us enjoy video games where you don't have to do much more than play. Now, what used to be a simple, almost arcade-style game, is becoming really screwed-up with more issues than needed.
copy that... when i said that first and second and third time it was "you are the only one, amy".
when i "said" this: ... 084#p35084
it was "you are the only 1%..."
so, you think your rant now helps? you must count 30% then or so... i was never good in math. ...

Rumple wrote:...the game plays smoothly and without lag (like EVERY other server out there)...
it is easy to say EVERY other server out there
when NOT EVERY server out there has so much
[you can choose between 4 words you might think fits best here:]
4. bestfunnystuffever
running like on this UNIQUE server!

end of rant.
