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Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:01 pm
by AnnieGamer
I will definitely try some things out! I am excited to see how games play on 180 and hopefully everyone has a lot of fun. It's definitely fun when something new is added to a great server so I think everyone will be playing even more! I am very grateful to everyone who worked to put together a new patch and make what is already the funnest server around even better. I definitely don't know how to mod or any of that stuff, so my hat is off to you guys for all of the hours and work you put in (h) (y) (handshake)

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:28 am
by bananaface
Gothicize wrote:Mas was on the Dev server and has some feedback but does not have an account on the forums. Weetodd gave him the site info but I thought I would let you know anyways.
He can contact me through skype or email aswell.
skype: bananaface1989

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:11 am
by Mobster
Small Update:
Infinity drop rate increased.
Retention re-enabled.

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:02 am
by bananaface
Mobster wrote:Small Update:
Infinity drop rate increased.
Retention re-enabled.
Overal powerup drop rate has been increased aswell by 50%.
Several other hotfixes have been implemented as we were playing and more are coming soon.

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:12 am
by bananaface
I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone for joining us on this and was happily surprised about the amazing turn up with the server being full at times!
Also the feedback given has been great and really helpfull and we've already implemented a couple of hotfixes based on that feedback with more coming soon.
At this pase 180 will be done in no time and we couldn't have done so without you guys!

I understand a lot is new and a lot is different and might need some getting used to but any concern or feedback is always welcome and we will look into everything.
However...we will not act upon everything and there are a bunch of different reasons why, so keep that in mind if something you wanted does not get put in or changed.
In the end it is we and mainly paint and joey who decide what is being done since it is their server and they want the server to head to a certain direction or certain features to a certain direction.
We can not make everyone 100% happy (different people different opinions), that is impossible but we do try to get it as close to perfect for as many people as possible.

We ourselves (the dev team) are very pleased with 180 (apart from some bugs and issues that we are adressing atm) and we hope you feel the same way.

Thanks! :wave:

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:35 am
by Rumple
This is bullshit.

1) Nothing is going to work right until you have a solid server to host the game. This seriously feels like it is being run off an Android tablet with a low battery in someones basement, using their phones' WiFi for a signal. I have never played on a server with this much lag. The lag is ALWAYS worse when there is a lot of action happening in the game...and patch 180 only increases the action. Currently, the amount of "mini lags" is staggering, I kinda want it back to where there were less lags, even if they were in the five-to-ten-second range.

2) Fix the crap that is not working before introducing MORE items that do not work. Launching 180 like this was a mistake and you all know it. Retention is causing weapons to disappear? No problem! Let's just get rid of it while we decide how many more vortexes to throw at players! Nobody in their right mind would consider this to be an intelligent move.

3) If you are going to increase monster strength, fine, but DO NOT DECREASE the shield strength. This is just stupid all-around. For instance, how about making a Nuke Shield pup that maybe only takes half of your health instead of killing you?

4) It has been said that it is "no problem" for some players to win a Patch 180 game playing solo. I could probably do the same, but I feel that the statement is made to deflect from the truth that the game has been cluster-censored with the addition of new challenges and poorer game play when there are more than a couple people playing, which is usually the case.

5) Input from other players concerning the 180 play... What do we have? Maybe five non-moderator people who really love the game giving ANY input? Some people are taking the LACK of input as a license to stay on the path of destroying this game venue. It's like saying everyone has a vote, but not making it clear enough that everyone has to go to a small island in the Indian Ocean to cast that vote, and that the island really isn't on any maps made after 1926. and...

6) Because of (5) you should really have your own website. A website that is easy to find, even if you don't know what you are looking for. A website where there are only a few forums. It is a COMPLETE pain in the ass to browse the forum unless you've been there for a long time. I still think it's a complete pain in the ass. Maybe it's just me...maybe it isn't. How about making it a requirement that you have to register at the site in order to play?

This server is like an addiction. It's probably akin to being an alcoholic who is addicted to top-shelf whiskey, but now has to settle for the kind of alcohol that is made in the toilet by a prison inmate.

For the TL/DR crowd...Fix the stuff that needs fixing ...instead of "fixing" the stuff that is not broken while introducing more problems...and go back to patch 179 until doing so.

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:42 pm
by bananaface
Rumple wrote:1) Nothing is going to work right until you have a solid server to host the game. This seriously feels like it is being run off an Android tablet with a low battery in someones basement, using their phones' WiFi for a signal. I have never played on a server with this much lag. The lag is ALWAYS worse when there is a lot of action happening in the game...and patch 180 only increases the action. Currently, the amount of "mini lags" is staggering, I kinda want it back to where there were less lags, even if they were in the five-to-ten-second range.
Server is hosted at the same place as where the old one was also the servers hardware is 100x better then the old one.
So far as of today I haven't experienced much of any issues regarding lag and performance so it might've been terrible yesterday for some reason.
Rumple wrote:2) Fix the crap that is not working before introducing MORE items that do not work. Launching 180 like this was a mistake and you all know it. Retention is causing weapons to disappear? No problem! Let's just get rid of it while we decide how many more vortexes to throw at players! Nobody in their right mind would consider this to be an intelligent move.
180 isn't launched as clearly has been stated several times.
Vortex and retention have nothing to do with each other.
No items we're added since the temporary removal of retention.
Rumple wrote:3) If you are going to increase monster strength, fine, but DO NOT DECREASE the shield strength. This is just stupid all-around. For instance, how about making a Nuke Shield pup that maybe only takes half of your health instead of killing you?
Monster strength is actually quite a lot lower on 180 compared to 179.
Nuke shield won't happen cause it can be countered in multiple ways, we want you to deal with the mechanics that you face and not ignore them.
If mechanics prove to be to difficult to handle we will compensate for that but nukes are not.
Rumple wrote:4) It has been said that it is "no problem" for some players to win a Patch 180 game playing solo. I could probably do the same, but I feel that the statement is made to deflect from the truth that the game has been censored with the addition of new challenges and poorer game play when there are more than a couple people playing, which is usually the case.
Gameplay with a lot of people could not be tested because there weren't a lot of people coming on or anything else with a lot of people, thats why this event was hosted aswell.
Rumple wrote:5) Input from other players concerning the 180 play... What do we have? Maybe five non-moderator people who really love the game giving ANY input? Some people are taking the LACK of input as a license to stay on the path of destroying this game venue. It's like saying everyone has a vote, but not making it clear enough that everyone has to go to a small island in the Indian Ocean to cast that vote, and that the island really isn't on any maps made after 1926. and...
What is hard about saying "I dont like X because of Y"? We have been there available to listen to any feedback for several hours and there are other ways to contact us aswell or to leave your feedback.
If people decide to not give feedback that is up to them, can't force them to do so.
If no feedback is given we see it as there not being any need to change anything.
Rumple wrote:6) Because of (5) you should really have your own website. A website that is easy to find, even if you don't know what you are looking for. A website where there are only a few forums. It is a COMPLETE pain in the ass to browse the forum unless you've been there for a long time. I still think it's a complete pain in the ass. Maybe it's just me...maybe it isn't. How about making it a requirement that you have to register at the site in order to play? -> click UT2004 (hey it's the game we're playing!).
Rumple wrote:For the TL/DR crowd...Fix the stuff that needs fixing ...instead of "fixing" the stuff that is not broken while introducing more problems...and go back to patch 179 until doing so.
Nothing new is being added as has been stated several times and currently there already have been several hotfixes with more on the way.

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:02 pm
by Mobster
Okay this lag you speak of I never have gotten anything like that since the server upgrade. My PC is a few years old now, and I have a pretty good connection now. Last night I received one crash to desktop. The Clown of a Commander was going hard on the assets... And then a handful of times the server outright crashed for everyone, and I also believe commander may be the culprit for the undesired game play laq, and crash wise. (We'll look into it...)

We couldn't test with a large amount of people before this event, so that is why we are running this 180 evaluation and testing event. This was announced a week in advance, and mentioned multiple times in game throughout the week. The website address is clearly shown in the MOTD upon joining the server, and in the server description in Master Server List.

Also, well said Talking Banana... well said...

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:31 pm
by sparliff
ok so steping in here ....i like the fact that there r extra powerups and some lill extras to keep the game interesting but i got to talk about the whole retention thing ....ok yes we spoke about it yesterday and how it was causing the weapon loss and how it was going to b pulled till it has been fixed but can u explain this .........i played 2 maps today and i lost my loaded weapon 1 time on the first map ...ok it was anoying but i started again loading it up .........but on the second map i lost a fully loaded rl 10.....then flak 10 fully loaded .... then a flak 8 partially loaded and i had each of them in my hand at the time of dieing..... yes i have nra and i also have denial..... i kinda gave up on the game after that and used a mp5 with no slots and if i died well then so b it .....but none of the weapons i had had a ret on them due to the convo yesterday ....... so maybe its not the ret causing issues maybe it is but something has to b done cos loosing 3 decent weapons in 1 map is not on

Re: Serverwide Event - 02/08/15 final 180 imput before launc

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:04 pm
by bananaface
sparliff wrote:ok so steping in here ....i like the fact that there r extra powerups and some lill extras to keep the game interesting but i got to talk about the whole retention thing ....ok yes we spoke about it yesterday and how it was causing the weapon loss and how it was going to b pulled till it has been fixed but can u explain this .........i played 2 maps today and i lost my loaded weapon 1 time on the first map ...ok it was anoying but i started again loading it up .........but on the second map i lost a fully loaded rl 10.....then flak 10 fully loaded .... then a flak 8 partially loaded and i had each of them in my hand at the time of dieing..... yes i have nra and i also have denial..... i kinda gave up on the game after that and used a mp5 with no slots and if i died well then so b it .....but none of the weapons i had had a ret on them due to the convo yesterday ....... so maybe its not the ret causing issues maybe it is but something has to b done cos loosing 3 decent weapons in 1 map is not on
Weapon loss is currently being investigated and has a high priority to be fixed.