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Ah, a new year, a new rant, same old garbage.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:53 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
As many of you clearly do not understand this game is rated mature and by playing this game you are expect to act like it. If you are so incapable of doing so then stop wasting my and the rest of the admins time dealing with your guys crap and do yourselves a favor and stop playing. I have seen more people prove to be respectable and responsible in one day in my high school than many of you do in many days, if ever. All this bitching about you stole my power up and all these hissy fits are getting real old. How about you guys cut the crap before joey shuts down the server again. But hey maybe thats what you want by acting in this ridiculous manner. Notice how I have not been around lately? The shit you guys pull off amazes me so much (and not in a good way) that I have to take a break from this insanity to keep my self sane before I think what goes around here on a daily basis is normal. I would like to reiterate again that unless you all cut the crap joey will shut down the server. Right now he is playing Battlefield 2 studying more aspects of the game getting more ideas for patch 180. All I have to say is that you guys are up to the old crap again and he'll just shut down the server and probably start up a cheaper bf2 server. He doesn't care if the server stays up or not if needed, but he prefers that it does but has no issue with saving money on bandwith. So whats it going to be guys? The choice is up to you. You have to make a choice to be a part of the problem or continue being part of the solution. I cant make the decision for you but hopefully this post has done so much as influenced it in the right direction. If many of you trouble makers are incapable of making a decision the admins will make them for you and everyone who causes problems will be crap canned.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:28 pm
by KnaveSkye
how many non "Troublemakers" have to speak out against a person before action is taken agains that person...ive been here over a year now and it always seems like the same problems with the same people....yet here they are still stiring up trouble a year later. I will agree that we all have our moments, but clearly some more than others. Im all about being part of the solution, but that solution isnt ignoring the problems.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:17 pm
by TheMadDJ
Paintball. Welcome to the stupid world of video games.

Some people care about their performance more than enjoying themselves. That's why you get 10 year old kids screaming crap down microphones.


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:33 pm
by Venger
We hear ya Paint. Its funny though. Server rules are power ups belong to no one unless they are in your inventory. I try to never bitch about this because that is the rule. Even people in positions of authority on the server bitch about pu theft when it is well known what the actual server rule is. When that happens what do you think new players are gonna do? They are going to follow the example of admins and high level players that do this. I know some may get mad at me for saying this but it had to be said.

Personally I think alot of people just see a pu on thier monitor and they automatically think its theirs. Seen that to many times.

But we do hear ya and I know pu theft is not the only issue you are talking about. I personally do not want to see the server go down. So lets all make an effort and change what we have to about ourselves to keep that from happening.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:02 pm
by +SaiN+
People are still complaining about PUs? LoL

I don't have a problem with anyone except for people who think (and in some cases, have) gotten away with giving everyone else a negative game experience, and this goes beyond just snatching PUs, its more about how people don't treat each other with respect at all! This server emphasizes teamwork, but you have folks who, at any cost, try to be the 1-man juggernaut, and when they can't be, they cry "hax!" This includes gratuitous displays of machismo at every chance they get, not sharing, insulting people, etc. That's the stuff I see here on occasion in-game.

Re: OK

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:28 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
Venger wrote:We hear ya Paint. Its funny though. Server rules are power ups belong to no one unless they are in your inventory. I try to never bitch about this because that is the rule. Even people in positions of authority on the server bitch about pu theft when it is well known what the actual server rule is. When that happens what do you think new players are gonna do? They are going to follow the example of admins and high level players that do this. I know some may get mad at me for saying this but it had to be said.

Personally I think alot of people just see a pu on thier monitor and they automatically think its theirs. Seen that to many times.

But we do hear ya and I know pu theft is not the only issue you are talking about. I personally do not want to see the server go down. So lets all make an effort and change what we have to about ourselves to keep that from happening.
As long as there are powerups and rpg we will always run into this problem. That rule I made about the powerups belonging to those who pick them up are unfortunitly not followed by all. I personally know I follow the rule not only because I made it but because its stupid to sit and fight who killed what that dropped what that belongs to whom.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:28 pm
by 1800
well paint, if you are not around, and you (as MM in general) brag so highly of the fine community that you have, wouldnt it be prudent to put people in charge that can handle such situations when you arent around? and the game is rated m for mature not because peope should act like it...its beacuse there is always some censored (no names mentioned) that gets underneath, what appears to be by the poll that beast made, EVERYONES censored SKIN!!! i am not saying you are doing anything wrong, but to act neutral and say the next person who acts up is gona get banned is not right IMO. this isnt my server or forums, so do what you will. please remember that there are enough people here that play that are mature, and dont want to tolerate childish behavior. that is what this is about. not about beast vs border. its about someone who has proved himself long over to be helpful to the community vs someone who has repeatedly caused problems with more than one person. this person who has several locked threads in the forum due to his mouth!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:30 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
1800 wrote:well paint, if you are not around, and you (as MM in general) brag so highly of the fine community that you have, wouldnt it be prudent to put people in charge that can handle such situations when you arent around? and the game is rated m for mature not because peope should act like it...its beacuse there is always some censored (no names mentioned) that gets underneath, what appears to be by the poll that beast made, EVERYONES censored SKIN!!! i am not saying you are doing anything wrong, but to act neutral and say the next person who acts up is gona get banned is not right IMO. this isnt my server or forums, so do what you will. please remember that there are enough people here that play that are mature, and dont want to tolerate childish behavior. that is what this is about. not about beast vs border. its about someone who has proved himself long over to be helpful to the community vs someone who has repeatedly caused problems with more than one person. this person who has several locked threads in the forum due to his mouth!
you are correct and like I stated in beasts poll I am personally limited by a lack of time constraint more than by a lack of action. I am looking into appointing more forum administrators but that is a someone difficult process. I have allready asked anna beaver.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:32 pm
by 1800
ty paint...i believe you, and your actions will speak louder than words :)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:39 pm
by BaronVonRotterdam
1800 wrote:ty paint...i believe you, and your actions will speak louder than words :)
well the pm was sent earlier today after a conversation with zombie. I am just awaiting the reply.